Following are the inspection points:
1. The car weight shall not exceed 5.0 ounces. The official race scale shall be considered final.
2. The overall length of the car shall not exceed 7 inches.
3. The overall width of the car shall not exceed 2 ¾ inches.
4. The car must have 1 ¾” clearance between the wheels.
5. The car must have 3/8” clearance underneath the body.
6. The wood provided in the kit must be used. The block may be shaped any way that is desired.
7. Official BSA wheels must be used. The wheels may not be cut, drilled, beveled or rounded. You may remove the seam from the wheels.
8. Official BSA axles must be used. They may be polished.
9. Wheel bearings, washers or bushings are prohibited.
10. The car must not ride on any type of springs.
11. The car must be freewheeling, with no starting devices.
12. No loose material of any kind, such as lead shot, may be used. Weights must be securely attached to the vehicle.
13. Details such as the steering wheel, driver, decals, painting, and interior detail are permissible as long as these details do not exceed the maximum length, width, and weight specifications.
14. Only dry lubricants such as graphite or powdered teflon "white lube" will be allowed for lubricating the wheels. Lubricants may not foul the track.
15. Construction of ALL entries MUST have begun AFTER last year's races.
16. Only one car may be registered by any person in the Pinewood Derby.
17. If, during a race, no car reaches the finish line on the track, the car which went the farthest in its lane shall be declared as the heat winner.
18. If, during a race, a car leaves the track without interfering with its opponent, it shall be considered to have ended its heat at that point.
19. If a car leaves its lane, at his sole discretion, the track chairman may inspect the track and, if a track fault is found which probably caused the initial violation, the track chairman may order the race to be rerun after the track is repaired.
20. If, during a race, a car leaves its lane and, in so doing, interferes with another racer, then the car at fault shall be declared to have lost the race heat.
Each car must pass inspection by the official inspection
committee before it will be allowed to compete. The Inspection Committee
has the
responsibility to disqualify those cars that do not meet
these specifications.