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During the 2012-2013 year most of our meetings will be on Thursday evenings
at Zion Lutheran Church at 7:00 p.m.
Please check the blog for the meeting location each week.

Flags fly at 7:00 P.M. Please be on time.

PARENTS: Please remember to sign off your Cub Scout's requirements as they achieve them at home online: http://www.denmanager.com/session/new
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Neckerchief Slide Project

Each Den will be making a neckerchief slide for each boy in the Den below as a bridging gift.  These slides should be made at the June 7 Den meeting.  Each Den will make their own slide design.

The Webelos Den will need to make 6 neckerchief slides for the Bear Den.

The Bear Den will need to make 4 neckerchief slides for the Wolf Den.

The Wolf Den will need to make 3 neckerchief slides for the Tiger Den.

Each Den will present the slides to the Den bridging up at the Bridging Ceremony on June 21.  If at all possible, please have your boy attend the June 7 Den meeting and the Bridging Ceremony so he can be part of the process welcoming the boys into a higher level Den.

Below are some links that have examples and "how to's" for making neckerchief slides:

Woggle World: http://cubclub.tripod.com/index.html

Mini Cub Scout Handbook Slide: http://www.scoutermom.com/12250/mini-cub-scout-handbook-neckerchief-slides/

Neckerchief Slide Ideas: http://www.cubscoutingnaples.org/Files/Neckerchief%20Slide%20Ideas.pdf

Exciting Scout Craft: http://www.e-scoutcraft.com/toc_fnail.html

Making Friends: http://www.makingfriends.com/scouts/scouts_boys.htm

Neckerchief Slide Discussion: http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=171210