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During the 2012-2013 year most of our meetings will be on Thursday evenings
at Zion Lutheran Church at 7:00 p.m.
Please check the blog for the meeting location each week.

Flags fly at 7:00 P.M. Please be on time.

PARENTS: Please remember to sign off your Cub Scout's requirements as they achieve them at home online: http://www.denmanager.com/session/new
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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cub Scout Promise in ASL

Attention all WEBELOS,

The Webelos Den will be performing the Cub Scout Promise in Sign Language at the May 24 Rocket Launch/Recruitment meeting.  Please practice.  Thank you! (In the above video, she does not sign the words "to," "and," "of, and "the".  That is OK and correct when communicating in ASL).

To make it easier to learn individual words, you may look them up in this free online ASL dictionary: http://www.aslpro.com/cgi-bin/aslpro/aslpro.cgi

/or/ you can click on the links below to go directly to each sign at the Signing Savvy website:

I (as in "me", please note the Webelos book incorrectly references the letter "I"): http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/I/209/1
[fingerspell your name]
Promise: http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/PROMISE/4204/1
To: http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/TO/711/1
Do ("c" hand facing down): http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/DO/549/1
My: http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/MY/279/1
Best (move your hand from your chin, and then to a "thumbs up"): http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/BEST/832/1
[repeat "to do my"]
Duty (dominant "d" hand taps twice on other wrist): http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/DUTY
[repeat "to"]
God: http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/GOD/1409/1
And: http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/AND/888/1
[repeat "my"]
Country (as in "nation", use a "Y" hand, with the back of the hand facing out instead of what is shown in the Webelos book): http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/COUNTRY/5095/1
[repeat "to"]
Help: http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/HELP/190/1
Other: http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/OTHER/308/1
People ("p" hands circling toward your body): http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/PEOPLE/316/1
[repeat "and to" ]
Obey (raise hands upward, as in submission): http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/OBEY/3986/1
The (smooth fingerspelling "t" "h" "e"): http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/THE/6088/1
Law ("L", back of dominant hand facing out, wipes down palm of other hand): http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/LAW/611/1
Of  (smooth fingerspelling "o" "f"):: http://www.signingsavvy.com/sign/OF/6086/1
[repeat "the"]
Pack: Please reference the Cub Scout Law video above. Use "P" hands.  The dictionary signs for "pack" reference the sign that means "to put in container".